In Crisis? Suicidal?

If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide or is in emotional distress, please call:

or 1-800-992-2061

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A caring, trained clinician is waiting to take your call.

In crisis? Suicidal? Close 

Governing Board

The West Michigan Community Mental Health Governing Board is comprised of 12 diverse stakeholders who are appointed by the County Commissions of our Lake, Mason, and Oceana County service area. Board members include providers of mental health services, professionals who work closely with mental health service providers, recipients of mental health services, and the general public.

As a critical requirement set forth by the State of Michigan, all Community Mental Health Boards must be generally representative of the people, families, and communities served. West Michigan CMH is proud to continuously meet or exceed the Mental Health Code requirements for these standards.

West Michigan CMH became a three-county Community Mental Health agency serving citizens of Lake, Mason, and Oceana Counties in 1996 and established authority status in 1997. Prior to that time, three separate county-based Community Mental Health organizations were responsible to the State for the delivery of Mental Health Services.

Governing Board

Larry VanSickle, Chair
Oceana County Representative
Ron Bacon, Vice-Chair
Mason County Representative
Pat Bettin, Secretary
Mason County Representative
Mary Alway
Mason County Representative
Linda Baierl
Lake County Representative
Jennifer Branning
Mason County Representative
Todd Dancz
Mason County Representative
Dawn Fuller
Lake County Representative
James Prince
Oceana County Representative
Kay Seng
Oceana County Representative
Lucinda Shafer
Oceana County Representative
Robert Walker
Oceana County Representative

Board Schedule

West Michigan Community Mental Health will hold its regular Board of Directors meeting on the third Tuesday (unless noted otherwise) of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the locations listed below. From time-to-time special Board of Directors meetings will be held with advanced notice being given. The public is invited to attend.

The board meetings are open to the public. If you need assistance accessing the meeting, or would like to participate via Zoom, please contact Kelly Hein at (231) 843-5401.

Necessary and reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered for the meeting, for individuals with disabilities will be made available upon 24-hour notice. Individuals requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact Kelly Hein at 231-843-5401.


Board Meeting Schedule 2024-2025